Future From Inside

Dani Leventhal ReStack, Sheilah (Wilson) ReStack

2021 | 00:18:51 | Canada / United States | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Environment, Family, Feminism, LGBTQ, Love, Mental Landscape

Future From Inside is the last in the trilogy begun in 2016, by Dani and Sheilah ReStack (also including Strangely Ordinary this Devotion and Come Coyote.) The work traces the ReStack collaboration, as it manifests in life and in work. The porous line between real and fantasy is further elaborated in this video -- FFI utilizes body doubles, a continuing journey for answers and oracles, animal synthesis, queer desire, children and radical community to weave a fragmented future. This final offering of the trilogy does not offer answers to the personal and societal conflict, but continues the possibility of the feral domestic as a way to inhabit the space of living to yield surprising results.

This title is also available as part of the trilogy Feral Domestic.

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