The Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive Collection

Phil Morton on Special Effects

Video Data Bank is proud to house the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive (PMMRA), an archive of early video and media art created and collected by artist and instructor Phil Morton and his students and collaborators. The collection includes nearly 800 videos, a large portion of which documents the emergence of experimental video and media art education in Chicago during the 1970s. VDB is dedicated to fostering awareness and scholarship of early video and media art history and ensuring knowledge of this history is available to future generations. The PMMRA is a vital part of this work as well as to Chicago’s experimental video art community, and we are thrilled to provide access to this important collection. 

Browse The Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive collection


Phil Morton and his collaborators

Phil Morton taught at the School of the Art Institute from 1969 to about 1983. In 1970, he founded the first iteration of SAIC’s video department, then called Video Area, which offered degrees in video art at the BFA and MFA levels–the first higher education school to do so in the United States. The class used the Sony Portapak, the first consumer video tape recorder which was introduced to the market in 1965; by the 1970s, it was embraced by artists, activists and others who recognized video as a revolutionary tool for creation and dissemination. During his tenure at SAIC, Morton instructed students in using video for recording, editing, creating special effects, and more. 

Morton frequently collaborated with experimental media artists in Chicago including Jane Veeder, Dan Sandin, Tom Defanti, Barbara Sykes, Jamie Fenton, Bob Snyder, and Jim Wiseman. The Video Area also welcomed visiting cultural and counter-cultural luminaries such as Steina and Woody Vasulka, Gene Youngblood, Timothy Leary, Barbara Buckner, and others. In their collaborations, they explored the possibilities and tested the limits of video as a means of documentation and as a form of art in its own right. 

One of Morton’s collaborators, Sandin, developed the Sandin Image Processor (IP), a modular analog video synthesizer that could modify video signals in real time. In 1973, Morton worked with Sandin to build a copy of the IP and in the process, they created schematics and instructions which they called the Distribution Religion. The document advocated for sharing knowledge about technology freely, an academic ideology that was present in schools and universities during the 1950s and 1960s, but was on the decline outside of academia in the 1970s due to commercial interests in software development. (In 1974, the US Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works determined software could be copyrightable.) The Distribution Religion inspired Morton to develop COPY-IT-RIGHT, an anti-copyright approach to sharing media art widely, and an early model of the Creative Commons license and the open source software movement. Sandin IPs and other image processing equipment are still housed at SAIC and used for media art education and training.

With the IP and other synthesizer tools, the ability to edit and generate video in real time led to live-video events organized and performed by Morton and his collaborators, notably Sandin, Defanti, and Sykes. The Electronic Visualization Events (EVE) took place in 1975, 1976, and 1978 at the University of Illinois Circle Campus (now University of Illinois Chicago). 

While teaching and developing the Video Area, Morton also amassed a collection of more than 200 videotapes to create the Video Data Bank, a video tape resource for SAIC students and faculty and a precursor to what Video Data Bank is today.* The collection included student and faculty created video, video tapes received in exchanges with other video programs around the country, lectures at SAIC by visiting artists and notable figures such as Philip Glass, Ram Dass, and more, all of which was to be available for the SAIC community to access and use whenever they wanted. These videos and documentation of the EVE happenings are part of the PMMRA collection. 

In the spirit of Phil Morton’s COPY-IT-RIGHT ideology, all PMMRA titles on Video Data Bank’s website are available to watch for free. Visit a title’s artwork page to view. 

Creation and Preservation of the PMMRA 

Around 2007, artist and (former) SAIC professor jonCates received a generous donation of Morton’s personal archive from Morton’s surviving partner Barb Abramo, with tape formats including ½” open reel, U-Matic, and VHS. Shortly thereafter, Cates established the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive within the Film, Video, New Media and Animation department at SAIC. The PMMRA sought to coordinate and freely distribute Morton’s Media Art work and associated research under Morton’s COPY-IT-RIGHT license. In 2023, jonCates donated the PMMRA to Video Data Bank. 

To read more about Phil Morton’s COPY-IT-RIGHT approach, see: jonCates. (2009). COPY-IT-RIGHT! Media Art Histories of Open Collaboration and Exchange. [Media Art Histories Masters Thesis, Danube University Krems].

*Management of the Video Data Bank collection was passed to Kate Horsfield and Lyn Blumenthal in 1976 who established VDB as an international distributor for video by and about contemporary artists.

List of tapes in the PMMRA

Preservation and digitization of the PMMRA is ongoing. Not all tapes digitized will be available on the VDB website due to copyright, ownership, and content concerns. To inquire about the status of a particular title or tape, contact 

Digitized?Tape IDTape Title
NoPMMRA-VHS-001[Big Sky #01]
NoPMMRA-VHS-002[Big Sky #02] Lone Mountain Study - Yellowstone Snow Coach Trip
NoPMMRA-VHS-003[Big Sky #03] Vets Ski Race
NoPMMRA-VHS-004[Big Sky #04]
NoPMMRA-VHS-005[Big Sky #05]
NoPMMRA-VHS-007[Big Sky #07] Pancake Breakfast at Fire House - Horse Team - Rod
NoPMMRA-VHS-008[Big Sky #08] Buck Skinning - Bow Hunting
NoPMMRA-VHS-009[Big Sky #09] Horse Trail Ride - Deva Play - Grouse Eat - Venison Buck-eat - Consumer Sample
NoPMMRA-VHS-114[Big Sky #10] 3 Antelope Skinning Butchering
NoPMMRA-VHS-106[Big Sky #11] LM Ranch Horses for Muscat's Outfit - JD Splittin Loadin' wood - Fly Fishing - Moose
NoPMMRA-VHS-107[Big Sky #12] Grouse in the House - Tower Plaza
YesPMMRA-VHS-108[Big Sky #13] Elk - Dave Gregor
NoPMMRA-VHS-109[Big Sky #14] Tower Plaza November 20
NoPMMRA-VHS-110[Big Sky #15] Tower Plaza November 21
NoPMMRA-VHS-111[Big Sky #16] Legend Hornshow - White Camo - Elk Bow Hunt
NoPMMRA-VHS-112[Big Sky #17] Lone Mountain Ranch - St. Nick's Nordic Festival Day
NoPMMRA-VHS-113[Big Sky #18] Lone Mountain Ranch
NoPMMRA-VHS-010[Big Sky #19] Biathalon - Barb Batey - LM Naturalist - Yellowstone Trip
NoPMMRA-VHS-011[Big Sky #20] Barb Batey - LM Naturalist - Yellowstone Trip - Viking's Revenge - 15KM and 5KM - Jan. 17 1987
NoPMMRA-VHS-012[Big Sky #21] Jim Muscat - Plane Trip - Moose (Yearling) - Neutral Density Filter Test - Polarizer UV test
NoPMMRA-VHS-013[Big Sky #22] Viking's Revenge - Relays and sprints Jan. 18 - Dick Duff's Eagle Model Plane
NoPMMRA-VHS-014[Big Sky #23] Bo Hill's Trapline
NoPMMRA-VHS-015[Big Sky #24] Moose - Fly Fishing with Wayne - Madison R. Test - Bo Hill's Turning Skins
NoPMMRA-VHS-017[Big Sky #26] Dick Duff's Eagle Plane (Part 3) · Bo Hill's Marten In Trap Hood-Show · Bo Hill's Skinning Marten
NoPMMRA-VHS-018[Big Sky #27] Coyote (very distant) - Wayne with Kate - Point Practice - Sheep (Conoco)
NoPMMRA-VHS-082[Big Sky #28] Bo Hill's skinning martin - cinnamon bear
NoPMMRA-VHS-083[Big Sky #29] MBA Elk Bugling Contest - 1987
NoPMMRA-VHS-084[Big Sky #30] Dick Duff's Eagle - Two Moose in Backyard
NoPMMRA-VHS-085[Big Sky #31] Birds - Spring
NoPMMRA-VHS-086[Big Sky #32] Lone Peak with Clouds - Sand Hill Cranes
NoPMMRA-VHS-087[Big Sky #33] Gofer Bow Hunting with Wayne Dick JD
NoPMMRA-VHS-088[Big Sky #34] Bo tim - Cuttin' off Butts - Truck Loading of Horns
NoPMMRA-VHS-089[Big Sky #35] Clean up day - Quilt Raffle
NoPMMRA-VHS-090[Big Sky #36] Wayne's Bear Kills - LMR Wrangler
NoPMMRA-VHS-091[Big Sky #37] Paul Zitzer - Old Cabin/New Cabin
NoPMMRA-VHS-092[Big Sky #38] Smoke Jumbers - Lisa's Day Care
NoPMMRA-VHS-045[Big Sky #39] Ram Hunt #1
NoPMMRA-VHS-046[Big Sky #40] Ram Hunt #2
NoPMMRA-VHS-125[Big Sky #41] Ram Hunt #3
NoPMMRA-VHS-126[Big Sky #42] Duck Hunt wiht Lance and Tim
NoPMMRA-VHS-078[Big Sky #43] 6 Antelope - Wayne's Bucks
NoPMMRA-VHS-127[Big Sky #44] Marten - 4 Trap sets - Fish and Game -
NoPMMRA-VHS-128[Big Sky #45] Logger Bob 1
NoPMMRA-VHS-047[Big Sky #46] Logger - Bob 2
NoPMMRA-VHS-006[Big Sky #46] Wayne and Dave (Bow Hunting)
NoPMMRA-VHS-129[Big Sky #47] Family Fly-In at WESR Airport - Bear Slide Show
NoPMMRA-VHS-048[Big Sky #49] Badger; Avocets; Grouse; Duck Hunt
NoPMMRA-VHS-049[Big Sky #50] Bo Hill Elk; Archery Hunt; Duck Blind
NoPMMRA-VHS-131[Big Sky #51] Duck Hunt - Antelope Hunt
NoPMMRA-VHS-050[Big Sky #52] Antelope Hunt
NoPMMRA-VHS-051[Big Sky #53] Yellowstone Expeditions wiht Eliz. Part 1
NoPMMRA-VHS-132[Big Sky #54] Yellowstone Expeditions with Eliz. Part 2
NoPMMRA-VHS-150[Big Sky #61] Elk - Bison - Coyote - Eagle - w/Elix - Apr. 1 1989
NoPMMRA-VHS-133[Big Sky #62] Alston Chase Interview with Eliz. - Winter Use
NoPMMRA-VHS-134[Big Sky #63] Barbee - WY Annual Meet - Elk in Aspens
NoPMMRA-VHS-153[Big Sky #64] First Day - Open (Spring - Yellowstone - Bundy - Bonnie - Joe
NoPMMRA-VHS-149[Big Sky #65] Dave - Ed - Lance - Plugger's - Winter Kills - Barbee Interview
NoPMMRA-VHS-052[Big Sky #66] Buffalo with Calf; Bison Nursery; Hostages at Old Faithful
NoPMMRA-VHS-115[Big Sky #67] 4 Bison - Einol's Tavern - Buffalo
NoPMMRA-VHS-116[Big Sky #68] Yazu and Dunbar - August 1989
NoPMMRA-VHS-117[Big Sky #69] Coyotes - Eliz. Fising - Shade Cards - Fund for Animals
NoPMMRA-UM-252[EVE] NCC Poop Tape 1975-6 - Friday Night Spiral - Saturday Night Ryral
NoPMMRA-VHS-031[Greater Yellowstone News] 1
NoPMMRA-UM-149[Greater Yellowstone News] 1 transferred with NR / TBC
NoPMMRA-VHS-062[Greater Yellowstone News] 1990 - 5/250
NoPMMRA-UM-345[Greater Yellowstone News] 1990 - Dubbing master
NoPMMRA-VHS-053[Greater Yellowstone News] 1990 - Phil's Show Copy
NoPMMRA-UM-351[Greater Yellowstone News] 2 - Master Edit
NoPMMRA-UM-352[Greater Yellowstone News] 2 - Master Edit
NoPMMRA-UM-346[Greater Yellowstone News] 2 - Ruttin' Buffler - Elk Antler Auction - Fisherman Jerry Cobb - Mountain Man Paul Boruff - North American Wildlife Museum
NoPMMRA-UM-341[Greater Yellowstone News] 2 Dub master 1991
NoPMMRA-UM-150[Greater Yellowstone News] 2 transferred with NR / TBC
NoPMMRA-VHS-056[Greater Yellowstone News] Answer Print #1
NoPMMRA-UM-344[Greater Yellowstone News] Antlers - Carcass - Ivories - Aug. 15 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-340[Greater Yellowstone News] Backup to Original Master Edit 1990
NoPMMRA-UM-162[Greater Yellowstone News] Gyn #2
NoPMMRA-UM-163[Greater Yellowstone News] Gyn #2
NoPMMRA-UM-357[Greater Yellowstone News] Image Union 1129 - Some Yellowstone Winter Sound Feb. 28 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-332[Greater Yellowstone News] Lake Fishing with Jerry Cobb
NoPMMRA-UM-354[Greater Yellowstone News] North American Wildlife Museum - plus Mary's Moose 92
NoPMMRA-UM-353[Greater Yellowstone News] Pilot material
NoPMMRA-UM-165[Greater Yellowstone News] Security Take for Carcass Dumping Piece
NoPMMRA-UM-350[Greater Yellowstone News] Segments - Baby Bison - Antler Sawing - Carcass Dumping - Teeth Pulling - Unnatural acts
NoPMMRA-UM-148[Greater Yellowstone News] Some Yellowstone Winter Sound - 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-343[Greater Yellowstone News] Some Yellowstone Winter Sound - 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-355[Greater Yellowstone News] Some Yellowstone Winter Sound - 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-331[Greater Yellowstone News] The 90s - Buffalo and Brucellosis
NoPMMRA-VHS-063[Greater Yellowstone News] To Bill Brody and the University of Alaska Fairbanks TV People
NoPMMRA-UM-153[Greater Yellowstone News] to The 90s - Catch and Eat
NoPMMRA-UM-356[Greater Yellowstone News] to The 90s - Phil Morton and Elizabeth Laden - Pine Marten
NoPMMRA-UM-057[Legend Zero]
NoPMMRA-UM-058[Legend Zero]
NoPMMRA-VHS-022[Legend Zero]
NoPMMRA-UM-141[Legend Zero] #7 Origiginal Graphis for Greater Yellowstone News 2
NoPMMRA-UM-144[Legend Zero] #9
NoPMMRA-UM-145[Legend Zero] 1987 for review
NoPMMRA-UM-338[Legend Zero] 8
NoPMMRA-VHS-055[Legend Zero] Answer Print
NoPMMRA-UM-139[Legend Zero] as appeared on Image Union
NoPMMRA-UM-146[Legend Zero] as appeared on Image Union
NoPMMRA-UM-137[Legend Zero] B 1
NoPMMRA-UM-138[Legend Zero] B 2
NoPMMRA-UM-348[Legend Zero] Ethics Situation 1 The F word - Situation 2
NoPMMRA-UM-136[Legend Zero] Graphics
NoPMMRA-UM-135[Legend Zero] Image Union 1107 - WTTW June 29 1988
YesPMMRA-UM-134[Legend Zero] Master Edit 1987
NoPMMRA-UM-147[Legend Zero] Montana Z-Box graphics 2
NoPMMRA-UM-142[Legend Zero] Video Research Consultants - Line 3 7028 - 3 - 5
NoPMMRA-UM-143[Legend Zero] Video Research Consultants - Line 4 7028 - 3 - 5
NoPMMRA-UM-140[Legend Zero] with Time compression
NoPMMRA-UM-342[Legend Zero] Working Dupe of Master edit
NoPMMRA-UM-063[RSCH 0] - Dec 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-064[RSCH 0] - Dec 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-093[RSCH 01] - Micrographics TBA
NoPMMRA-UM-376[RSCH 01] - No Finished Yet
NoPMMRA-UM-066[RSCH 02] - Tim Leary in WTTW Chicago
NoPMMRA-UM-067[RSCH 04] - PARI$1
NoPMMRA-UM-068[RSCH 05] - PARI$2
NoPMMRA-UM-069[RSCH 06] - PARI$3
NoPMMRA-UM-070[RSCH 07] - PARI$4
NoPMMRA-UM-071[RSCH 08] - Circle Twist - UV-1 Paint - Calmquantum Play - Pan's Trans Package - 3 Dees And 5 Cubes From Dan
NoPMMRA-UM-073[RSCH 10] - Viscomquantum - Calmquantum
NoPMMRA-UM-154[RSCH 11] Calartquantum - Viscomquantum - Calmquantum - Zgra$Mart - Eighteyes - Cdecs
NoPMMRA-UM-155[RSCH 12] Leary Stuff - NJP Retrospective Apr. 1982 - Jane's ZZZGRAASSS Digitized Face
NoPMMRA-UM-156[RSCH 13] Andy Rosen's 16 Screen Tubes from Dan's Trans. Package
NoPMMRA-UM-157[RSCH 14] Phil - Trans. Give - Away
NoPMMRA-UM-159[RSCH 16] Sig '82 Kitchen - Raul'n'Jim - Evans and Sutherland
NoPMMRA-UM-160[RSCH 17] Inframetrics - Charley and David (North Carolina ZGRASS) - Lisa
NoPMMRA-UM-322[RSCH 18] Dump of ZGRASS Junk for NJP - September 1982
NoPMMRA-UM-161[RSCH 19] The Solstice Project - The Sun Dagger
NoPMMRA-UM-158[RSCH] People Are Computers too
YesPMMRA-UM-045[SIGGRAPH '79] Bob Abel Demo Reel 4/13/79 - Digitla Effects Inc - The Star Wars Computer Animation Larry Cuba
YesPMMRA-UM-046[SIGGRAPH '79] Chas. Csuri's stuff - Whitney's stuff - Jim Blinn's stuff - NASA's stuff; Space Shuttle; Space Station
YesPMMRA-UM-044[SIGGRAPH '79] Etra Stuff - Prism EMI Ship Structure - Z-Grass (Graphix) Image Union EVL at UICC 1978-79
NoPMMRA-UM-049[SIGGRAPH '79] Examples of Computer Graphics for SIGGRAPH '79 [Compilation]
NoPMMRA-UM-335[SIGGRAPH '79] GE's 1972 - Computer Generated Images - Link/Visulink - Day/Night CGI - Space Shuttle EIG Simulations - Limited Surfaces and Space Filling - Curves - Case Western Reserve - Euclidean Illusions - Spoon and Triangles
NoPMMRA-UM-330[SIGGRAPH '79] Graphics and IP work - J. Veeder
YesPMMRA-UM-047[SIGGRAPH '79] Patchwork 71 - Genesys Animation System - Enigma 1971 - Mis-Takes 1972 - L'oisexay 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-048[SIGGRAPH '79] Ron Hays Music Image Demonstration Cassette 8-9-79
NoPMMRA-UM-096[SIGGRAPH '79] Sampler
NoPMMRA-UM-234[SIGGRAPH '79] SIGGRAPH Sampler 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-396[SIGGRAPH '79] Wanda Wee-ga Waters
NoPMMRA-UM-321[SIGGRAPH '80] Demo Tape - Copper Giloth - Tom Defanti - and Friends
NoPMMRA-UM-072[SIGGRAPH '81] RSCH9 - 2 GRASS - P&J materials
NoPMMRA-UM-125[SIGGRAPH '81] Target - Phil and Jane - Ha-ha - Reverse Star field
NoPMMRA-UM-302[SIGGRAPH '83] Arena - Welcome - AV Riser Walkthrough
NoPMMRA-UM-218[SIGGRAPH '83] Art Show Video Tape 1
NoPMMRA-UM-060[SIGGRAPH '83] Badiyan Productions - December 21 1983
NoPMMRA-VHS-141[SIGGRAPH '83] Badiyan Productions - December 21 1983
NoPMMRA-UM-299[SIGGRAPH '85] Animation Screening Room - Art Reel - July 24 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-296[SIGGRAPH '85] Animation Screening room - July 24 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-298[SIGGRAPH '85] Animation Screening room - Science Reel = July 24 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-283[SIGGRAPH '85] Classics Part 1 B - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-285[SIGGRAPH '85] Demo part 1 - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-286[SIGGRAPH '85] Demo part 1 - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-051[SIGGRAPH '85] Demo Part 1 (Dub 2) - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-281[SIGGRAPH '85] Demo part 2 - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-284[SIGGRAPH '85] Demo part 2 - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-OI-001[SIGGRAPH '85] Film and Video Opening - July 22 1985
NoPMMRA-OI-007[SIGGRAPH '85] Film Transfer July 10 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-055[SIGGRAPH '85] Open For Morning Tech Session HALL A - REEL #1 - July 24 1985
NoPMMRA-OI-013[SIGGRAPH '85] Video Reseach - Production Reel #1 - July 18 1985
NoPMMRA-OI-012[SIGGRAPH '85] Video Reseach - Production Reel #2 - July 18 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-279[SIGGRAPH '86] A Roll - August 14 1986
NoPMMRA-UM-297[SIGGRAPH '86] Animation Screening Room Reel 3
NoPMMRA-UM-282[SIGGRAPH '86] B Roll - August 14 1986
NoPMMRA-UM-059[SIGGRAPH '86] Dub of ASR.M4 - August 8 1986
NoPMMRA-UM-108[SIGGRAPH '86] Fair Play
NoPMMRA-UM-280[SIGGRAPH '86] Preview of Electronic Theater - August 14 1986
NoPMMRA-OI-002[SIGGRAPH '86] Video Post and Transfer - Love Field Terminal - August 13 1986
NoPMMRA-OI-003[SIGGRAPH '86] Video Post and Transfer - Love Field Terminal - August 13 1986
NoPMMRA-OI-004[SIGGRAPH '86] Video Post and Transfer - Love Field Terminal - August 13 1986
NoPMMRA-OI-005[SIGGRAPH '86] Video Post and Transfer - Love Field Terminal - August 13 1986
NoPMMRA-BC-001[SIGGRAPH '88] Art Show - Interactive and Video Artists 1 - #8
NoPMMRA-UM-378#1 Jackson Lake - 1980
NoPMMRA-VHS-105#1 WT Hunt - Kevin's Bull
NoPMMRA-VHS-104#2 Kevin's Bull
NoPMMRA-VHS-103#3 Antelope Hunt
NoPMMRA-VHS-100#4 - Antelope Hunt
NoPMMRA-OR-00618th Street - One Hour With Little Off - Tilted View
NoPMMRA-OR-00718th Street - Processed and Colorized for Cycle Stuff
NoPMMRA-UM-2471968 Year in a Frenzy - Museum of Contemporary Art - November 8 1996
NoPMMRA-VHS-0683 Open Houses on Buffalo M'gment
NoPMMRA-UM-2383 Tunnels W. Of Cody WYO - 2 Takes Of Mud Pit - Elk - July 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-270360 Arches #1 - June 1979
YesPMMRA-UM-271360 Arches #2 - June 1979
YesPMMRA-UM-36951 Chevy Convoy - Mohave
NoPMMRA-UM-22160 Minutes - Pioneer 11 - Jupiter Highlights - December 20 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-174A Digi-Scan To/About TV - 1973
YesPMMRA-OR-008A Letter for Phil M/D
NoPMMRA-UM-171Additional Mat. Dear Illinois Arts Council - Fall 1980
NoPMMRA-OR-126Aldo T.
NoPMMRA-UM-223Alfred Promo - Bird Land (Bliss) - Hideaway (Bliss)
NoPMMRA-VHS-080Alpha - Legend Zero - 1987
NoPMMRA-VHS-027Alston Chase - April 7 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-021Altimus 1 - Buff. Hunt #1 - Tape #7
NoPMMRA-UM-022Altimus 2 - Buff. Hunt #2 - Tape #8
NoPMMRA-UM-023Altimus 3 - Buff. Hunt #3 - Tape #9
NoPMMRA-UM-017Altimus 4 - Yel. Exp. Tape #3
YesPMMRA-OR-009AAmateur TV
YesPMMRA-OR-009BAmateur TV
NoPMMRA-OR-106An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-107An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-155An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-156An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-157An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-158An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-159An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-305An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-306An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-311An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-312An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-313An Infolding Model Of Building An I-P - August 1974
NoPMMRA-VHS-195Annihilation Madame - Rosie M Saunders
NoPMMRA-VHS-158Ant Farm Videoworks Vol. 1 - Cadillac Ranch/Media Burn - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-184Antelope - Elk - Montana - Bison Range - July 1980
YesPMMRA-UM-388Arches Camp - 360° Play - August 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-287Arches Ranger - Roger - glimpse of IP in Van - August 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-293Arches Windows - Loop Road - june 1979
NoPMMRA-OI-011Art and Science Transfer from 16mm and 35mm film - July 10 1985
YesPMMRA-UM-363Aspen Woods - Tunnel-hole - Buffalo Walk
YesPMMRA-UM-091Assoc. Prof Crosseye telephoning into first class - October 1975
NoPMMRA-BM-001Astralvission - Ascent 1 - Cole-DeFanti-Sandin - 1979
YesPMMRA-UM-319Aura of I.E.V.E
YesPMMRA-UM-008B Basic with Dan #1 [Bally Basic]
YesPMMRA-UM-009B Basic with Dan #2 [Bally Basic]
YesPMMRA-UM-010B Basic with Dan #3 [Bally Basic]
YesPMMRA-OR-010Baba Ram Dass - Long Shot #1
YesPMMRA-OR-011Baba Ram Dass - Long Shot #2
YesPMMRA-OR-012Baba Ram Dass - Long Shot #3
YesPMMRA-OR-013Baba Ram Dass - PP #1
YesPMMRA-OR-014Baba Ram Dass - PP #2
YesPMMRA-OR-015Baba Ram Dass - PP #3
YesPMMRA-UM-035Baby Rattlesnake in Road - Mountain Sheep - Bison Range - Montana July 1980
YesPMMRA-UM-012Bally Basic Sound Synthesizer - November 1978
YesPMMRA-UM-011Bally Experiments In Random Displays - Sandin
YesPMMRA-UM-374Bally Experiments In Random Visual Displays - Dan --> Phil
NoPMMRA-VHS-024Banff #1 - Koki's Talk Slides #1
NoPMMRA-VHS-025Banff #1 - Koki's Talk Slides #3
YesPMMRA-UM-001Barbara London - dupe of presentation
NoPMMRA-OR-148Beating - Denise
NoPMMRA-OR-140Beating Love
NoPMMRA-OR-145Beating Love - Denise
NoPMMRA-OR-127Beating Love Ceremony
YesPMMRA-OR-017Beuys #1
YesPMMRA-OR-018Beuys #2 S/V
YesPMMRA-OR-019Beuys #3 S/V
YesPMMRA-OR-020Beuys #4 S/V
YesPMMRA-OR-021Beuys #5 S/V - Rzewski #2
NoPMMRA-VHS-140Big Horn Sheep - Yellowstone
NoPMMRA-VHS-093Big Horn Sheep (48 Min.) - Yellowstone
NoPMMRA-UM-236Black And White Figures From Grass (Geunther) - October 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-028Black Field W/ Vectored Figures (Geunther/Phil) Data Bursts - March 27 1978 - E.V.E. Rehearsal
NoPMMRA-VHS-028Bob Barbee - April 10 1989
YesPMMRA-UM-037Bob's Winter Notes - 1977
NoPMMRA-OR-147Body Left Side 1
NoPMMRA-OR-139Body Right Side 1
NoPMMRA-UM-177Bonaparte Television - Michael Harvey
YesPMMRA-OR-022Bucky Fuller Dub
NoPMMRA-UM-120Bucky Fuller Lecture at UICC #1 - 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-122Bucky Fuller Lecture at UICC #2 - 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-124Bucky Fuller Lecture at UICC #3 - 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-023Bucky Fuller Processed
NoPMMRA-UM-026BUFF. #6 - (Proc. Materials)
YesPMMRA-UM-360Buffalo #2 - July 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-192Buffalo at Water Hole - Watch Towers
NoPMMRA-VHS-066Buffalo Rut #1
NoPMMRA-VHS-067Buffalo Rut #2
NoPMMRA-OR-118Bully for the Buddha - #1
NoPMMRA-OR-117Bully for the Buddha - #2
NoPMMRA-OR-116Bully for the Buddha - #3
YesPMMRA-UM-295Capitol Gorge Play - Arches Campsite - 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-394Capitol Reef - Grand Wash Road - #3 - August 10 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-393Capitol Reef - Paved Road - #2
NoPMMRA-UM-395Capitol Reef - Paved Road - #3
NoPMMRA-UM-381Capitol Reef - Paved Road - Number 4 (Goes With J's #1)
NoPMMRA-UM-391Capitol Reef - Pleasant Creek Road - August 10 1980
YesPMMRA-UM-288Capitol Reef Scenic Dive - August 10 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-181Capiton Gorge #4 - August 1980
YesPMMRA-OR-026Carlsbad Miro #1
YesPMMRA-OR-025Carlsbad Miro #2
NoPMMRA-UM-392Casa Rinconada - Walk Through and Play - Chaco Canyon - August 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-397CBS Future TV Program
NoPMMRA-UM-277Cetacean - Barry Brosch - Chip Dodsworth - 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-169Cetacean - Chip Dodsworth - 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-242Chicago Videoworks - WTTW-PBS Program
NoPMMRA-OR-165Chik-ago/ Chips to 'Tute' - Turkey Day - November 26 1975
NoPMMRA-OR-166Chip-data #1 - November 27 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-264Chris Bliss - A Concert for your Eyes
NoPMMRA-UM-132Chris Bliss - from Mark/Chris
YesPMMRA-OR-027Class - March 20 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-029Clouds - August 1973
NoPMMRA-UM-185Color Bars
YesPMMRA-UM-359Color-truck stuff
YesPMMRA-UM-358Colored Buffalo #1 - July 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-007Colorful Colorada 1974 - Monday On The Way To Work
NoPMMRA-UM-318Colorful Colorada 1974 - Tuesday On The Way To Work
YesPMMRA-UM-006Colorful Colorada 1974 - Wednesday On The Way To Work
YesPMMRA-OR-031Colorful Colorado - Tuesday on the Way to Work
NoPMMRA-UM-130Columbia 2nd launch
NoPMMRA-UM-272Coming Down Glacier Mountain Montana - July 1980
YesPMMRA-OR-000Condition of Man
NoPMMRA-UM-303Corrected Bugling - Midifex - MBA 1987
NoPMMRA-UM-304Corrected Bugling - Midifex - MBA 1987
NoPMMRA-UM-364CPU 10 Minute Sample - Grant Games
YesPMMRA-UM-087Crosseye - Feelin' Mean - 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-033Crosseye - View off back of cycle
YesPMMRA-UM-090Crosseye Stitch for Students in Video Class - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-276Crosseye Stitch to Students - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-188CSUS - GMC - Bluebird - October 9-13 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-098Cutting Between Tues/Weds with Whine of Life - Stu Pettigrew - Colorful Colorada
NoPMMRA-UM-309Dan Sandin at Cottage - Value Scramblered [Sic] Clouds - Water Experiments - September 1974
YesPMMRA-OR-034Dan and Jim Rap on Equipment - Thursday at SAIC video
YesPMMRA-UM-362Dashboard display - Dodge City - Rest Stop Play
NoPMMRA-UM-230Data Bursts In 3 Move
NoPMMRA-UM-307Data Bursts In 3 Moves - Phil Morton Bob Snyder Geunther Tetz - April 25 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-384Dead Horse Point - Road/Camp Play - Road - June 1979
NoPMMRA-VHS-061Deadline - Max Almy
NoPMMRA-OI-006Demo and Classics - July 10 1985
NoPMMRA-OR-108Denise - Carressing Body
NoPMMRA-OR-035Denise Beating - Edited for Processing
NoPMMRA-OR-105Denise Beating - Processing - November 2 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-134Denise Beating - Sample Process - off-Starboard
NoPMMRA-VHS-058Documentary #2 - Pop Video Video Art [Compilation]
NoPMMRA-VHS-154Documentary 1 - POPVIDEO Video Art
NoPMMRA-UM-327Double Arch - Telephoto - Cloud Time - Lapses - Raven - August 1980
NoPMMRA-VHS-171Dr. Monday Lecture - Original - Important
YesPMMRA-UM-002Ed Emshwiller - Streets'n'Crossings
NoPMMRA-UM-104Ed Rankus Demo Reel
NoPMMRA-UM-194Elk - Motorhome - Buffalo - Bison Range - Capitol Reef drive-by - Montana 1980
NoPMMRA-VHS-187Elk Fight - Wayne - Sheryl - Antelope Bow
NoPMMRA-UM-183End of Rest Area - Truck Cover - Side View of Saguaro - Flash Flood
NoPMMRA-UM-196Entering Andona
YesPMMRA-UM-032EVE 78 - Feb 1976 - includes A Movement Within-Sykes and Sterling - By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak - Electronic Masks (Glenn Charvat - Doug Lofstrom - Rick Panzer - Jim Teister - Tom Defanti - Barbara Sykes
NoPMMRA-UM-324Excerpts of various IEVE performances - Edit 2 - April 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-222Fair Trade - Leo Burnett Company Inc.
NoPMMRA-OR-121Feed-back Birth - Freedom in Demand - Jim/Bev
NoPMMRA-OR-133Feedback 45'L - September 1 1973
NoPMMRA-OR-129Feedback 90'L - September 1 1973
YesPMMRA-OR-064Feedback to St. Olaf Students - April 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-153Feedback to St. Olaf Students - April 1972
YesPMMRA-OR-036Film Projections - What is a Porno -
NoPMMRA-UM-329Fix-Stuff / Bursts in 3 moves - Geunther/Phil - December 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-178For Lou-Katz #7
NoPMMRA-UM-225Fund$ For Animals #1
NoPMMRA-UM-226Fund$ For Animals #2
NoPMMRA-UM-228Fund$ For Animals #3
NoPMMRA-UM-200Future Shock - Matt - To Dr. Tom-Tom - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-074Gary Hill Part IV - 1980-81
NoPMMRA-VHS-143Gau. Co. Comm on Park and Rec. District
NoPMMRA-UM-328Gaza Station - Charlie September 10 1980
YesPMMRA-OR-089Gene Youngblood - Part 1 - 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-090Gene Youngblood - Part 2 - 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-091Gene Youngblood Part 3 - 1976
YesPMMRA-UM-129General Motors - 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-088Geunther's fragments - Plum-77 - Take #3 - May 2 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-243Ginny/Stu Kata - July 1977
YesPMMRA-OR-037Ginsberg / Burroughs #1
YesPMMRA-OR-038Ginsberg / Burroughs #1
YesPMMRA-UM-239Gondola at Monarch Pass - Colorado Mountains - June 1979
NoPMMRA-VHS-169Grandma - Sungyeon Joh
NoPMMRA-VHS-200Grandpa - Suk-won Park
YesPMMRA-UM-398GRASS - Winter Olympics 1979 for Nam June Paik - Dan Sandin
NoPMMRA-UM-101GRASS stuff - Steve Heminover - 1976-78
NoPMMRA-UM-119Guenther's - 3 Movement color rehearsal - Take #1 - April 17 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-095Guenther's - 3 Movement color rehearsal - Take #2 - April 24 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-099Gunter and Phil - February 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-116Gunter and Phil Entities - February 1977
NoPMMRA-OR-093Gunter's Fram - Part 2 - December 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-047H.A.S Video Department Tape Exchange
YesPMMRA-UM-076Ha-ha - Many Mammals - Leary - Jane's Fall - Nam June Paik - Bucky Fuller - Steve Reich - Ensemble - 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-190Hamvention 1979 - Dayton Ohio - Robot Booth and Jupiter stuff - HF 4
NoPMMRA-UM-191Hamvention 1979 - Don Miller - Tom O'Hara - HF 1
YesPMMRA-OR-046Happy New Year 1972 to 1973
NoPMMRA-OR-167Have a Hinge
NoPMMRA-UM-075Have a Hinge Some Wear - 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-120Hello is Good - Spring 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-151Hello is Good - Spring 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-119Hello-less - W-3 Form - Spring 1972
YesPMMRA-UM-261How TV Works - Vidiots - #1 - 1976
YesPMMRA-UM-262How TV Works - Vidiots - #2 - 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-110Howard Rowe - Illinois Power Co
NoPMMRA-VHS-157I Am Making Art - John Baldessari - 1971
NoPMMRA-OR-131I Know the Question
NoPMMRA-UM-094I'm Free - Ginny Pettigrew - Dolphin Production inc. Demo Reel #61 - 1977
NoPMMRA-OR-002I'm... Phil Lee Morton ... Now
NoPMMRA-OR-003I'm... Phil Lee Morton ... Now
YesPMMRA-UM-294Idaho Montana - Two Lane Sky Ever Green Road - July 1980
YesPMMRA-UM-323IEVE Aura - April 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-260Illinois Power Company Graphics - Howard Rowe - March 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-206Imact Video in Colorado 1977
NoPMMRA-OR-136Image Signature
NoPMMRA-UM-219Image Union Saturday Night SIGGRAPH 79 - February 23 1980
YesPMMRA-OR-049Instructions on Image Processor - April 30 1972
NoPMMRA-VHS-148Introducing Sony's Newest - Betacam SP 2000 Pro Series
NoPMMRA-UM-103IPA the Editing House - Edward Rankus - Demo Reel - September 29 1988
NoPMMRA-VHS-175ISSCO Week '85 - Sal and Phil edit
NoPMMRA-VHS-165It Was Never You - Film by P. Seimer - L Steger
YesPMMRA-OR-050Jam #1 with Dan and Jim - November 8
YesPMMRA-OR-051Jam #2 with Dan and Jim
YesPMMRA-UM-201Jane + Dan Two-Way Radio
YesPMMRA-UM-043Jane Two-Way CCTV #4 2600 VTR
YesPMMRA-UM-367JE2 Vochto - Coelova - Overlook
NoPMMRA-UM-292Jim Stiles - Ranger at Arches - August 11 1977
YesPMMRA-OR-052John Cage
NoPMMRA-OR-164John/ Tom / George / Leslie - Party - Popcorn
NoPMMRA-VHS-177Jolicouer Touriste - Louise Bourque
NoPMMRA-VHS-182Just Words - Louise Bourque 1991
NoPMMRA-OR-161Ka-zuki #1 by Dorris
NoPMMRA-OR-053Ka-zuki 2-A - Dorris
YesPMMRA-OR-054Ka-zuki 2-B - Dorris
NoPMMRA-UM-249KCRA 3 TV - Dick's Spiral - Dick's Pixel-field
NoPMMRA-OR-146Keith and family - Penna - 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-094Keith and Peggy - Keith Racing #44 - 2- 1975
NoPMMRA-OR-005Keith and Peggy - Saturday Race Day #1 - 1975
NoPMMRA-VHS-190Kokistalk (slides) #4
NoPMMRA-OR-154Kwong to Crosseye - Communique - January 25 1978
YesPMMRA-OR-055Land - Fran New Mexico - 1975
NoPMMRA-VHS-188Landscape - Blue Buchet - Snails Place - Slice of Bread - Cut and come again - (and more)- Francien Van Everdingen
YesPMMRA-OR-057Lasteau #2 - 4th Parade
NoPMMRA-VHS-036Learn Taxidermy with Dan Chase
NoPMMRA-VHS-037Learn Taxidermy with Dan Chase
NoPMMRA-UM-131Leary at Snyder Show NYC - Columbia 2nd Return
YesPMMRA-UM-370Leaving the Land
YesPMMRA-OR-058Leslie / Phil - Making Love Processed - 1971
NoPMMRA-UM-109Lief - Phil - March 1975
NoPMMRA-OR-115Lief Brush - Monday - 1975
NoPMMRA-OR-142Lief tape
NoPMMRA-UM-210Light Tape - June 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-212Light Tape - June 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-241Lines - Ainsworth/Etc. - 1978
NoPMMRA-VHS-162Lisa Slodki video mix - shft8pwr
NoPMMRA-UM-038Live Shuttle Com Pre$$ ION - 1981
NoPMMRA-UM-274Low Cost Computer Graphics - April 1983
NoPMMRA-VHS-065Madison Co. Part 1 - Planning Board Presentation
NoPMMRA-VHS-064Madison Co. Part 2 - Planning Board Presentation
NoPMMRA-UM-176Mark / Sally 1983
NoPMMRA-UM-042Marten #1
NoPMMRA-UM-041Marten #2
NoPMMRA-UM-258Master Feedback
NoPMMRA-OR-130Master Feedback - January 1973
YesPMMRA-OR-060Matt to Phil - January 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-105MCI / Quantel - the latest in digital video effects - 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-040Me Myself and I-I-I - up from the ooze down from the sky - CVi Colorado Video Incorporated - Patty Nettles
NoPMMRA-UM-198Meditating - Matt - Interstate food and driving quietly
YesPMMRA-OR-061Meet with Roger - Major Users 1 - May 13 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-062Meet with Roger - Major Users 2 - May 13 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-030Memor-obilia - Wisconsin - Color IP
NoPMMRA-VHS-174Merry Christmas to the Living and the Dead - Kyun-Soom Park
NoPMMRA-VHS-020Milk a film by Cat Solen - 2001
NoPMMRA-UM-193Milwaukee Sunrise - Andy R - January 30 1979
NoPMMRA-VHS-026MJ Interview - Rain on Wall - Koki's Talk Slides #2
YesPMMRA-UM-033Mohave [sic] Joshua Trees - Jane Driving
YesPMMRA-OR-063Mom / Dad
YesPMMRA-UM-301Moon - March 14
NoPMMRA-UM-100More on Macros - Input/Debug - GRASS2
NoPMMRA-VHS-159Mortoneth - PA and NY - 1995-96
NoPMMRA-UM-187Mountain Goats - Zion Tunnels - August 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-386Mt. Rushmore Pass No. 1 - Clouds -Jane-Phil Truck Meadow Panning - July 1977
NoPMMRA-VHS-130MTA Convention at Lewistown - 1988
NoPMMRA-UM-107Naked Doom et al. - Ed Rankus
YesPMMRA-UM-113Nam June Paik - Doug Davis - Bill Wegman - Peter Campus - Appearing on The Tomorrow Show - 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-080Nam June Paik and General Motors
NoPMMRA-UM-254Nerve Language - Ed Rankus
NoPMMRA-VHS-161Netroots - Declassified Dolphins
NoPMMRA-VHS-176Neverland - Teknolust - Kopi
YesPMMRA-UM-399New York to Moscow Video Express - Tom Dan Geunther Phil - October 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-380Newspaper Rock And Surrounds - Spire Two Tits (Utah) And Afternoon Newspaper Rock Part #2 Play - June 1979
YesPMMRA-UM-003NOLA's 2D-3D Transformations - GRASS - Marginerin butter
YesPMMRA-UM-268Not of This Earth - Latham/ Manning/ Rankus - 1978
NoPMMRA-OR-137Ode (to) Commerce-shall-is-him - December 17 1972
NoPMMRA-UM-077Old Faithful - Processed color takes for Program #7
NoPMMRA-UM-383One Lane Bridge - Colorado - 12.5mm - 6.5mm - August 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-078Original IP graphics - Chicago Videomakers Coalition
NoPMMRA-OR-122Otino - December 30 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-095P and IC 05
YesPMMRA-UM-290P&J - Play Under Delicate Arch
YesPMMRA-UM-291P&J - Walk to Delicate Arch
NoPMMRA-UM-382P&J Play Under Double Arch - Tele Photo View Out - August 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-315PARI$ Compression - Part #1 - Spring 1981
NoPMMRA-UM-316PARI$ Compression - Part #1 - Spring 1981
NoPMMRA-UM-317PARI$ Compression - Part #1 - Spring 1981
NoPMMRA-UM-314PARI$ Compression - Part #2 - Spring 1981
NoPMMRA-VHS-034Patsquatch 2
NoPMMRA-VHS-072Paul Boruff - At the Museum of the Yellowstone
NoPMMRA-UM-024Paul Boruff - Tape 10
NoPMMRA-UM-025Paul Boruff - Tape 11
NoPMMRA-UM-263Peaks-Peeks - with Naka-Jane - Van-Play - June 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-300Penis / feedback
NoPMMRA-OR-143Penis Play
NoPMMRA-UM-349Perfect - Some Tel. W. Sound
NoPMMRA-OI-008Permutations - John Whitney Sr. - July 13 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-117Phaedra - Lou Levison - Matt Quinlan - Greg Dawe - Morton - 1974
YesPMMRA-OR-065Phil - Class
NoPMMRA-OR-135Phil Makanna #2 - November 18 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-066Phil Morton
NoPMMRA-VHS-186Phil Morton - Wilson Madness
NoPMMRA-UM-121Phil Morton Demo Reel #1
NoPMMRA-UM-053Phil Morton Demo Reel #2
YesPMMRA-VHS-054Phil Morton May 1992 - Live IP for Ars Electronica
NoPMMRA-UM-347Phil Morton Screening Program - March 1992 for Communication Arts Department at the College fo Santa Fe
YesPMMRA-OR-041Philip Glass - Mor H Segment II - Anais Nin #8 May 9 1972
YesPMMRA-OR-043Philip Glass - P-P #2
YesPMMRA-OR-044Philip Glass - P-P #2 continued
YesPMMRA-OR-039Philip Glass #1 - Distant
YesPMMRA-OR-040Philip Glass #1 -P-P
YesPMMRA-OR-042Philip Glass #2 - distant
YesPMMRA-OR-045Philip Glass #2 - Mor H Segment II - Rudolf Arnheim #1 November 11 1972
NoPMMRA-OR-168Phillip Makanna #1 - November 18 1976
NoPMMRA-UM-246Picture Transformations - GRASS2
NoPMMRA-UM-195Pictures in Bathroom
NoPMMRA-UM-180Pioneer 11 - Jupiter Highlights - Reel #2 - December 20 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-267Polaroid Shooting - Mat/Phil Playing
YesPMMRA-OR-067Pomo Basket Weaver - Elsie Allen
NoPMMRA-UM-034Pool and Ginny Pettigrew July 1977
NoPMMRA-VHS-057Pop Video Series IV Entertainment 1st 2N
NoPMMRA-VHS-059Potpourri Q4891 1st and 2nd half
YesPMMRA-OR-068Practice tape
NoPMMRA-OR-138Primative Cartoons
NoPMMRA-UM-186Processed A.T.V. stuff #1
NoPMMRA-UM-060Processed A.T.V. stuff #2
NoPMMRA-UM-061Processed A.T.V. stuff #3 - Machine Language Puzzler
NoPMMRA-UM-062Processed A.T.V. stuff #4
YesPMMRA-UM-372Processed Drums Stuff
NoPMMRA-UM-123Processed Moon and Processed Buffalo
NoPMMRA-UM-375Program #1 - Electronic Visualization Center - First Issue - November 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-029Program #1 - plus add-ons - Mar. 1978
YesPMMRA-UM-028Program #4 - Veeder and Morton
YesPMMRA-UM-030Program #4 - Veeder and Morton - Dub
YesPMMRA-UM-085Program #7
NoPMMRA-UM-208Program #7 - 280 ZZZap with Chip - S.M.I.2L.E
YesPMMRA-UM-013Program #7 - Big Sky #1
NoPMMRA-UM-084Program #7 - Home Computer Video Systems - Pull Up - Jay's Radial - 8 Figure
YesPMMRA-UM-333Program #7 - Morton and Veeder - Dub
YesPMMRA-UM-152Program #7 - Morton and Veeder 1979 - For Image Union
YesPMMRA-UM-151Program #7 - Morton and Veeder 1979 Dub
NoPMMRA-UM-082Program #8 - 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-083Program #8 - 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-334Program #9 - 30 Second Spot is at 373
NoPMMRA-UM-081Program #9 - Amateur TV
NoPMMRA-UM-215Projector Display - Tune VRC - 1984
NoPMMRA-VHS-145Quest for the Record - Fishing Yellowstone Country
NoPMMRA-VHS-075Ram Hunt - Fishing - Moose - Elk - 1996
NoPMMRA-VHS-043Raymond Yeung - Hong Kong - Switzerland - Chicago
YesPMMRA-UM-014Re-scanning of EVE-1 and EVE-88 - Bob Snyder - Gunter Tetz - Copy It Right
NoPMMRA-UM-231Rectal Data Systems - Into Future Shock - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-224Reef (edit) - 1980-81
NoPMMRA-UM-166Reef #1 - 1980-81
NoPMMRA-UM-207Reef 1 and Reef 2 - 1980-81
NoPMMRA-UM-170Reference Carrier - Program 3 - March 1978
YesPMMRA-UM-320Rescanning of E.V.E -1 and E.V.E -88
NoPMMRA-UM-325Rescanning of E.V.E -1 and E.V.E -88
NoPMMRA-UM-326Rescanning of E.V.E -1 and E.V.E -88
NoPMMRA-VHS-021Resolution Video Audion and Film Production Sample
NoPMMRA-UM-232Ric's Fall - SAIC Sampler Of Major Users - December 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-164RMEF Denver '91
NoPMMRA-VHS-156Road-killed Moose
NoPMMRA-UM-269Robycon Part 1 - Lou Levinson - 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-168Rocke #1
NoPMMRA-UM-167Rocke #2
NoPMMRA-UM-065RSCH1 - Dec 1979
NoPMMRA-VHS-040Rutting Elk - Bulls Sparring - Larry D. Jones
NoPMMRA-UM-244Rylin Dancing by Dan [Sandin] - Return Of The Blob by Dawe & Rankus
NoPMMRA-UM-189SA - WAR - OH - Saguaro Wash
NoPMMRA-UM-390Saguare Nat'l. Mon. #1
YesPMMRA-UM-005SAIC Memo #1 - Gorf
YesPMMRA-OR-071SAIC Response Part 2 - Gunter's Farm Part 1 - Greg to Phil - December 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-069SAIC Response to Phil part 1 - December 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-070SAIC Response to Phil part 2 - December 1975
NoPMMRA-UM-089Sal-Mar / Dan-San Xploratory AV performance - Salvatore Martirano - Dan Sandin - Jim Wiseman - 1974
YesPMMRA-OR-072Sample Edit at St. Olaf for Med. Center AD.
NoPMMRA-VHS-079Sample Tape for Montana Arts Council
YesPMMRA-UM-227Sample Tape For Montana Arts Council - April 22 1989
NoPMMRA-VHS-151San Marino with GAU Part 2 - Park and Rec District (Reconsidered)
NoPMMRA-VHS-142San Mario - Part 1
NoPMMRA-UM-308Sandin - Rylin Christmas Dance Excerpt 1973 - IEVE Aura Excerpt 1975 - Spiral Excerpt 1975 - 3 Views Of Water Excerpt 1975 - Peano Boogie 1975 - Amplitude Classified Clouds 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-251Scan from David Jackson - December 1976
YesPMMRA-OR-081Scan Processor class - Project Show Yourself - November 22 and 29
NoPMMRA-VHS-144Secrets of Black Bear Hunting - Portrait of America
NoPMMRA-OR-162Self Portrait/Analysis - 1971
YesPMMRA-UM-365Set Up Picture at desk #1
YesPMMRA-UM-366Set Up Picture at desk #2
NoPMMRA-OR-141Side P-P Original - Fountain
NoPMMRA-UM-240Side Wide angel-ing #1 - August 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-379Side Wide angel-ing #2 - August 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-054SIG VID REV #7 1980-7
NoPMMRA-UM-377SIG VID REV. #2 - 1980-1
NoPMMRA-UM-233SIG VID REV. #3 - 1980-1
NoPMMRA-UM-235SIG VID REV. #4 - 1980-1
NoPMMRA-UM-172SIGGRAPH Art Sho Reel #2
NoPMMRA-BC-003SIGGRAPH Educational Systems #1 - Interactive Image DeFanti - Electronic Visualization Lab
YesPMMRA-UM-004Sink-Run-US Waterwaves with feedback - December 1974
NoPMMRA-OR-112Six Oscillators Modulating - March 21 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-220Slices of Chicago - Videomakers Coalition - June 18 1977
NoPMMRA-UM-079Slim Slender - December 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-217Some Yellowstone Winter sound - 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-256Spiral - Master FDBR
NoPMMRA-UM-273Spiral 3 - Belly/Hands
NoPMMRA-UM-310Spiral by Defanti & Sandin 1975 - Priety by Defanti & Sandin 1974 - Stuck by Morton & Defant 1974 - Etra Experiments 1972-74
YesPMMRA-UM-336Spiral Feedback with Oscillators - 1977 - Veeder and Morton
NoPMMRA-UM-289Spire Two Tits - Newspaper - Rock Play Part 2 - June 1979
YesPMMRA-OR-075St. Olaf - Article Reading Piece
YesPMMRA-OR-076Starved rock - Two-Way Day #1
YesPMMRA-OR-077Starved Rock two-way - Day 2
NoPMMRA-OR-125Static Spiral Mandala
YesPMMRA-OR-078Steam - January 1974
NoPMMRA-UM-031Steina 2 - Digital Images - Special Edits for TV Mar. 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-179Stu / Phil - March 1975
NoPMMRA-OR-132Stu/Phil - Father Experiment
YesPMMRA-OR-059Student Tapes - Fragments from SAIC '70
NoPMMRA-UM-052Subjective Color Bars - 1979
NoPMMRA-UM-133Sunstone - Alvy Ray Smith - Softcel - Computer assisted Ink and Paint - Animations
YesPMMRA-OR-079T.T. Santa Fe #1 - Pit Stops
NoPMMRA-UM-248TBC of Going Nowhere - Apartment Moves - The Glasses Look Becoming
NoPMMRA-UM-253Terry Murphy and Tom and Larry
NoPMMRA-UM-213Test / Alight VRC 1984
NoPMMRA-UM-389Texas Retired Couple Conversation - Lake McDonald - Capitol Reef Drive-By
NoPMMRA-OR-144Thanksgiving - Penna - 1974
NoPMMRA-VHS-155The 90s - Greater Yellowstone News
NoPMMRA-VHS-135The 90s - Pilot
NoPMMRA-VHS-139The 90s - Program 104
NoPMMRA-VHS-136The 90s - Program 201 - May 21 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-137The 90s - Program 202 - Juiy 14 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-138The 90s - Program 203
NoPMMRA-VHS-152The 90s - Program 207
NoPMMRA-UM-027The 90s PILOT Material - May 30 1989
NoPMMRA-UM-175The AM Investment Group Inc - Dwight Cavendish Laser Proj. - November 1982
NoPMMRA-VHS-164The DUB Centre INC - Owings Mills - MD
NoPMMRA-VHS-163The Morton Anderson video - 1969 to 1996
NoPMMRA-UM-229The Palace Of Supreme Bliss
NoPMMRA-UM-250The Palace of Supreme Bliss [DePaul School of Religious Studies]
NoPMMRA-OR-096The Point
NoPMMRA-OR-152The Point - Lake Michigan
NoPMMRA-UM-173The Point - Quad-segment - Dis-Synchronous
NoPMMRA-UM-257The Point - sync
NoPMMRA-VHS-076The Solstice Project - The Sun Dagger
NoPMMRA-VHS-032The Tanning Spirit - Brain-tanned Buckskin by Melvin Beattie - 1990
NoPMMRA-UM-202The Vasulkas (5 titles)
NoPMMRA-UM-266The Video Artist Dan Sandin and Friends
YesPMMRA-UM-112Tim Leary - UICC - January 20 1977
YesPMMRA-UM-368To Dr. Tom-Tom
NoPMMRA-VHS-077To Keith
NoPMMRA-UM-127To Roger/Class #1
NoPMMRA-UM-128To Roger/Class #2
YesPMMRA-OR-080To Start / From Finish
NoPMMRA-UM-387TO VIDEO - October 1975
YesPMMRA-OR-082To Videopolis - Cindy/Annete and Anda
NoPMMRA-UM-204Toilet Processed Jan. 1971
NoPMMRA-VHS-172Tom Demeyer + Steina - Image/ine Demo - 1998 Tape #2
YesPMMRA-OR-083Tom's Tatoo
NoPMMRA-UM-115Trans Package - Dan Sandin - UICC - November 3 1982
YesPMMRA-UM-373Trans Package #2 with Dan Sandin - UICC EVL - November 3 1982
NoPMMRA-VHS-041Tree-lounge Trophies
NoPMMRA-VHS-147Trilogy - Save the Animals
NoPMMRA-UM-197Truck - Restana
NoPMMRA-UM-199Truck Cover at Rest Area
NoPMMRA-UM-036Try-angle - Scan 30 - Scan 51 - Crosseye
NoPMMRA-UM-245Try-Angle - Spiral - Piano Boogie
YesPMMRA-OR-001Tute and To Deborah Love Vidiots - November 1975
YesPMMRA-UM-371Two Feathers - Hat and Glasses
YesPMMRA-OR-084Two Willousby Love Phil
NoPMMRA-UM-259Value Scram - CloudE - Water clouds Multiple
NoPMMRA-VHS-192Vaudeo - Ben Baker Smith - Evan Kühl - April 24 2011
NoPMMRA-BC-002Vaughn Communications - Electronic Visualization Lab - December 23 1997
YesPMMRA-OR-004Venn’s Apron - January 1 1973
YesPMMRA-OR-085Victor - Solo
NoPMMRA-OI-010Video Research - Classics Part 1 - July 18 1985
NoPMMRA-OI-009Video Research - Classics Part 2 - July 18 1985
NoPMMRA-UM-216Video Research Consultants ISSCO - Test Warm Up Tape 1985
NoPMMRA-OR-128Violent Universe 26 - 1st Hour
YesPMMRA-OR-056Violent Universe 27 - Last 1 1/2 hour
NoPMMRA-UM-211Visual Arts Program - Phil Morton
NoPMMRA-UM-106Vocabulary - Matrix - The Vasulkas
YesPMMRA-OR-086W3 Form - Spring 1972
NoPMMRA-UM-385Walk To Double Arch - Jane's Fall - August 1980
NoPMMRA-UM-255Wall Test 1 - Sherbert Test 1 - Ed Rankus
NoPMMRA-UM-275Wapiti-Wapiti - July 1979
YesPMMRA-OR-087Watch Every Inch Go By - Y'all Vidigeeks
YesPMMRA-UM-111Waveguide and Waveforms - Copper Giloth and Zsuzsa Molnar
YesPMMRA-OR-088Way / Yaw
NoPMMRA-UM-102WBBM TV - Chicago - May 1977
NoPMMRA-OR-098Wedding #1
NoPMMRA-OR-099Wedding #2
NoPMMRA-UM-265Wire Trees with 4 Vectors - Lief Brush - Stu Pettigrew - Phil Morton - Guenther Tetz
NoPMMRA-UM-278Wire Trees with 4 Vectors - Lief Brush - Stu Pettigrew - Phil Morton - Guenther Tetz - Data Burst in 3 Moves - 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-209Wire Trees with Quad 1978
NoPMMRA-UM-104Writing Macros and Using Edit
NoPMMRA-UM-114WTTW Night - Jane and Crosseye entity - April 1 1977
NoPMMRA-VHS-118WY #70 - Elk - Goat - Ospreys
NoPMMRA-VHS-119WY #71 - Cada Artificial - December 1989
NoPMMRA-VHS-120WY #72 - Greg's Bull - Weigh In - Icefishin'
NoPMMRA-VHS-121WY #73 - Fund for Animals
NoPMMRA-VHS-122WY #74 - WYR #1 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-123WY #75 - WYR #2 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-124WY #76 - WYR #3 1990
YesPMMRA-UM-361Wyoming Coal Train - Buffaly Bill (The Scout) Cody - July 1977
NoPMMRA-VHS-069WYR #1 - 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-070WYR #2 - 1990
NoPMMRA-VHS-071WYR #3 - 1990
NoPMMRA-UM-018Yel. Exp. Tape #4
NoPMMRA-UM-019Yel. Exp. Tape #5
NoPMMRA-UM-020Yel. Exp. Tape #6
NoPMMRA-VHS-081YNP Critters with Keith n' Fran - January 6 1995