28.IV.81 (Descending Figures)
Christopher Harris
2011 | 00:03:00 | United States | Color | Silent | 16:9 | 16mm film
Collection: Single Titles
28.IV.81 (Descending Figures) comprises footage Harris shot at a performance of Christ’s Passion, staged as an attraction in a Florida amusement park…This flimsy display of devotion is shown up by something genuinely overpowering, or at least recognizably real. In a way, this seems to sum up Harris’s practice. Filmic images are things with actual impact in the world, and as such they have an unavoidable ethical dimension.
–– Michael Sicinski, Cinema Scope
The left and right channels of this two-channel piece are interchangeable. VDB offers either configuration as HD files for exhibitions and screenings. Discs of the work also contain both versions.
Pricing Information
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