Burrito Bay
George Kuchar
2009 | 00:25:15 | United States | English | Color | Stereo |
Collection: Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
This video diary/travelogue centers on a tropical trip to Acapulco where yours truly hits both sand and surf with maximum impact. The actual movie that's being documented throughout this video bit the dust via a hard-drive malfunction, so this is almost all that remains (so far) of the doomed yet enjoyable venture. We all donned bathing suits and splashed our way through heaven and hell as Miguel Calderon directs the cursed venture in skimpy attire amid other scantily clad examples of electro-graphic expertise. Come on: bring the lubricant and join this motley crew of Mexican magnificence as they bask their beauty in the rays of merciless magic that rain down on our parade.
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