OUTHERE (for Lee Lozano)
Maïder Fortuné, Annie MacDonell
2021 | 00:32:00 | Canada / France | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video
Collection: On Art and Artists, Single Titles
In July of 1971, American artist Lee Lozano gave a talk at NSCAD art college in Halifax, called “The Halifax 3 State Experiment”. Stretching over 8 hours, and moving through multiple locations, Lozano delivered her extended lecture in three states - sober, stoned on weed, and high on LSD. Filmmakers Maïder Fortuné and Annie MacDonell take this event up as a point of departure for an investigation into Lozano’s thoughts, practice and daily life. OUTHERE is a dense and layered experimental documentary that combines archival material with performance, interview and readings. As a film it is equal parts ghostly evocation and systematic investigation of the strange and impossible figure of Lee Lozano.
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