
Barry Doupé

2008 | 01:32:00 | Canada | None | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Animation, Memory, Mental Landscape, Sexuality

This feature-length video follows several inflicted characters and recounts the ways in which they find resolve. A series of entropic scenarios held together by an attraction to failure and its spectacle describe the characters' malfunction - their inability to fulfill personal desire. Compelled by the consequences and rewards of their attempts they question their own trajectory. Using elements of melodrama, performative monologue and traditional narrative structure Ponytail presents a unique society of characters that destroy the distinction between memory and invention.

--Barry Doupé

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Prizes + Awards

Best Narrative Exploring Past, Present & Future - Migrating Forms, April 2009


Whitechapel Gallery