white and fifteen movies starring Charlton Heston
Les LeVeque
2010 | 00:15:15 | United States | Arabic | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | DV video
Collection: Single Titles
Tags: Blu-ray, Conceptual Art, Film or Videomaking, Found Footage, Hollywood, Image Processing
white and fifteen movies starring Charlton Heston is a stroboscopic work made from fifteen films starring Charlton Heston. Each film has been algorithmically condensed down to thirty seconds in length. These fifteen condensed movies have been frame-by-frame chronologically organized and metrically inter-cut with two Heston film frames followed by two white frames. The result is an effervescent unstable collage where identity, displacement and disguise are contextualized by the viewer's physicality in what Paul Sharits called "transactions of the retina." If the viewer is close enough to the screen this work can be watched with the eyes open or closed.
"All identities are only simulated, produced as an optical 'effect' by the more profound game of difference and repetition."
-- Gilles Deleuze, difference and repetition
This video is part of a series of short videos that experiment with incorporating alpha wave frequencies into the editing structure.
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