Wu Tsang: An Interview

Video Data Bank

2022 | 00:25:02 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles

Tags: Installation, Interview, Performance, VDB Interviews

Wu Tsang is a filmmaker, visual artist, and performer who incorporates strategies of activism, art making, event planning, and stage production across a range of multi-disciplinary projects. Tsang combines or juxtaposes the avant-garde and cerebral with sensual, often emotionally charged representations that prompt deeper inquiries into how individuals and communities resist ingrained social prejudices. Her work also considers prescient debates about a generation's claim to a subculture, social gathering as a form of insurgency, and the political capacity of contemporary art.

In this interview, Tsang talks about the relationship between art and activism in her work, influential teachers and collaborators, the significance of music and space, and “inbetweeness.”

Interviewed by Mary Coyne. 

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