Displaying 100 of 394 artists starting with S
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Shadow
Shadow Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:01:00 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Shaman
Shaman Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:05:29 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Shanghaied Text
Shanghaied Text Ken Kobland 1996 00:19:47 Single Titles
Shape Games, John Muse
Shape Games John Muse 2024 00:20:28 New Releases, Single Titles
Shape of a Surface
Shape of a Surface Nazli Dinçel 2017 00:09:20 Single Titles
Joel Shapiro: An Interview
Joel Shapiro: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1982 00:20:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Sharada, Wife of Ramakrishna
Sharada, Wife of Ramakrishna Linda Mary Montano 1995 00:23:00 Single Titles
Sharambaba Jim Finn 1999 00:03:00 Single Titles
SHARONY! Jennet Thomas 2000 00:10:30 Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Shave and a Haircut
Shave and a Haircut Angelo Madsen 2006 00:15:05 Single Titles
Shayne's Rectangle
Shayne's Rectangle Dani Leventhal ReStack 2011 00:05:00 Single Titles
Ed Rankus Videoworks: Volume 1
She Heard Voices Edward Rankus 1986 00:10:00 Single Titles
She Loves It, She Loves It Not
She Loves It, She Loves It Not Christine Tamblyn 1993 00:00:00 Single Titles
SHE MAD: Bitch Zone, Martine Syms
SHE MAD: Bitch Zone Martine Syms 2020 00:10:50 Single Titles
SHE MAD: Laughing Gas
SHE MAD: Laughing Gas Martine Syms 2016 00:07:12 Single Titles
The Sheik Who Shook Lanesville
The Sheik Who Shook Lanesville Videofreex 1975 00:12:58 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Shelter Donigan Cumming 1999 00:03:22 Single Titles
Sherman Acres
Sherman Acres George Kuchar 1992 01:32:14 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Cindy Sherman: Crossover Series
Cindy Sherman: Crossover Series MICA TV 1981 00:10:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Shifted From the Side
Shifted From the Side Lawrence Weiner 1972 00:01:12 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Shifting Positions
Shifting Positions Kathy High 1999 00:27:40 Single Titles
Shimmer Nelson Henricks 1995 00:07:00 Single Titles
Shirley Clarke and the Camera
Shirley Clarke and the Camera Videofreex 1971 00:16:18 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Shomõtsi Video in the Villages 2001 00:42:00 Single Titles
Shooter Marc Schwartzberg 1999 00:01:22 Single Titles
Short Circuit
Short Circuit Jesse Drew 2001 00:10:20 Single Titles
A Short Lesson
A Short Lesson Donigan Cumming 2001 00:01:00 Single Titles
Show & Tell in the Land of Milk and Honey
Show & Tell in the Land of Milk and Honey Dani Leventhal ReStack 2007 00:13:00 Single Titles
Show and Tell
Show and Tell Hermine Freed 1974 00:08:27 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Showtoons George Kuchar 2001 00:29:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Shrimp Chicken Fish
Shrimp Chicken Fish Deborah Stratman 2010 00:05:15 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Shrouds
Shrouds Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2023 00:07:00 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Shulie Elisabeth Subrin 1997 00:36:38 Single Titles
Shutter Buggies
Shutter Buggies George Kuchar 1996 00:12:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Sight Theo J. Cuthand 2012 00:03:38 Single Titles
Peng Zuqiang, Sight Leak
Sight Leak Peng Zuqiang 2022 00:12:15 New Releases, Single Titles
Hollis Sigler 1983: An Interview
Hollis Sigler 1983: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1983 00:35:33 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Hollis Sigler 1995: An Interview
Hollis Sigler 1995: An Interview Video Data Bank 1995 01:04:45 Interviews, Single Titles
Sign on a Truck
Sign on a Truck Jenny Holzer 1984 00:35:00 Single Titles
Signs Don't Speak
Signs Don't Speak Vincent Carelli 1996 00:27:09 Single Titles
Signs Don't Speak
Signs Don't Speak Video in the Villages 1996 00:27:09 Single Titles
Silent Among Us
Silent Among Us Dana Levy 2008 00:05:06 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Silhouette
Silhouette Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:07:39 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Silverrors Saloon, a 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown) story, jonCates & Mickey Mahoney
Silverrors Saloon, a 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown) story jonCates (Jon Cates) 2021 00:13:42 Single Titles
Silverrors Saloon, a 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown) story, jonCates & Mickey Mahoney
Silverrors Saloon, a 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown) story Mickey R Mahoney 2021 00:13:42 Single Titles
Similar Differences: Betye and Alison Saar
Similar Differences: Betye and Alison Saar Long Beach Museum of Art 1990 00:09:30 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Laurie Simmons: Crossover Series
Laurie Simmons: Crossover Series MICA TV 1982 00:05:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Charles Simonds: An Interview
Charles Simonds: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1979 00:48:21 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
A Simple Case for Torture, or How to Sleep at Night 
A Simple Case for Torture, or How to Sleep at Night  Martha Rosler 1983 01:02:00 Single Titles
Sing, O Barren Woman
Sing, O Barren Woman Susan Mogul 2000 00:10:35 Single Titles
Sins of Bunny Luv
Sins of Bunny Luv George Kuchar 1994 00:15:20 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Sirens Paul Kos 1977 00:06:47 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Sirens Marlene Kos 1977 00:06:47 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Sirrocco, Diane Teramana
Sirrocco Diane Teramana 1985 00:06:05 Single Titles
Ingrid Sischy: Conversations
Ingrid Sischy: Conversations Artists Television Network 1980 00:28:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Sister City
Sister City Dani Leventhal ReStack 2013 00:04:40 Single Titles
Sites Unseen, Cynthia Madansky
Sites Unseen Cynthia Madansky 2002 00:10:43 Single Titles
SIX (Virginia Woolf)
SIX (Virginia Woolf) Tom Kalin 2000 00:00:30 Single Titles
Six Years Later
Six Years Later John Smith 2007 00:09:20 Single Titles
Cathy Lee Crane, Sketches after Halle
Sketches after Halle Cathy Lee Crane 1997 00:13:00 Single Titles
Skim Milk & Soft Wax
Skim Milk & Soft Wax Dani Leventhal ReStack 2008 00:37:52 Single Titles
SKIPPER (mistic speech), Paul Tarragó
SKIPPER (mistic speech) Paul Tarragó 2016 00:12:21 Single Titles
The Sky Is Falling...
The Sky Is Falling... Adriene Jenik 2016 00:13:00 Single Titles
The Sky's In There, Dani & Sheilah Restack
The Sky's In There Sheilah (Wilson) ReStack 2022 00:11:24 Single Titles
The Sky's In There, Dani & Sheilah Restack
The Sky's In There Dani Leventhal ReStack 2022 00:11:24 Single Titles
Slip, Martine Syms
Slip Martine Syms 2021 00:03:24 New Releases, Single Titles
Slippage in the Garden of Udon
Slippage in the Garden of Udon George Kuchar 1995 00:15:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Slogans Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:09:00 Single Titles
Slow Gin Soul Stallion
Slow Gin Soul Stallion Animal Charm 1996 00:02:30 Single Titles
Slow Glass
Slow Glass John Smith 1991 00:40:00 Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Slow Turn
Slow Turn Eiko Otake 2021 00:41:07 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Slow Zoom Long Pause
Slow Zoom Long Pause Sara Magenheimer 2015 00:13:01 Single Titles
Small Lies, Big Truth
Small Lies, Big Truth Shelly Silver 1999 00:18:48 Single Titles
Small Miracles
Small Miracles Julia Hechtman 2006 00:05:30 Single Titles
Alexis Smith - Life In America
Alexis Smith - Life In America Peter Kirby 1991 00:26:21 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
John Smith: An Interview
John Smith: An Interview Video Data Bank 2014 Interviews, Single Titles
Hotel Diaries: John Smith
Hotel Diaries: John Smith John Smith 2005 01:11:18 Single Artist Compilations
John Smith: Program 1
John Smith: Program 1 John Smith 2002 00:48:00 Single Artist Compilations
John Smith: Program 2
John Smith: Program 2 John Smith 2002 01:21:00 Single Artist Compilations
Smothering Dreams
Smothering Dreams Daniel Reeves 1981 00:23:00 Single Titles
The Smutty Professor
The Smutty Professor George Kuchar 2000 00:40:28 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Snake Goddess
Snake Goddess George Kuchar 1991 00:05:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Snap 'n Snatch
Snap 'n Snatch George Kuchar 1990 00:05:33 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Snapshots George Kuchar 2000 00:06:23 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
First Snow, Thanksgiving 1971
Snow (I Wish There Was Cars) Videofreex 1971 00:07:00 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Sylvia Snowden: What Follows...
Sylvia Snowden: What Follows... University of Colorado 1990 00:29:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Bob Snyder: An Interview
Bob Snyder: An Interview Video Data Bank 1985 00:40:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Bob Snyder: Sound and Video 1975-1990
Bob Snyder: Sound and Video 1975-1990 Bob Snyder 1990 00:54:00 Single Artist Compilations
So Much
So Much Köken Ergun 2004 00:11:00 Single Titles
So To Speak
So To Speak Jacqueline Goss 2000 00:20:00 Single Titles
So, You Want to be Popular?
So, You Want to be Popular? Jeanne C. Finley 1988 00:18:20 Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Soak
Soak Eiko Otake 2017 00:05:12 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Lyn Blumenthal Videoworks: Volume 1
Social Studies, Part I: Horizontes Lyn Blumenthal 1983 00:20:00 Single Titles
Social Studies, Part II: The Academy
Social Studies, Part II: The Academy Lyn Blumenthal 1983 00:18:00 Single Titles
Society Slut
Society Slut George Kuchar 1995 00:58:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Sodomites of Shalimar
The Sodomites of Shalimar George Kuchar 1997 00:44:35 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
SOFA Suzanne Lacy 1984 00:22:50 Single Titles
Soft Science
Soft Science 2005 01:03:45 Curated Compilations
Soft Science
Soft Science "Cinema of Attractions" Rachel Mayeri 2004 00:04:00 Single Titles
Soft Science
Soft Science "Cinema of Attractions" Joe Milutis 2004 00:04:00 Single Titles