Displaying 100 of 274 artists starting with T
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
John Tagg: An Interview
John Tagg: An Interview Video Data Bank 1988 00:40:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Kidlat Tahimik: An Interview
Kidlat Tahimik: An Interview Video Data Bank 1998 00:58:29 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Take into the air my quiet breath
Take into the air my quiet breath Julia Meltzer 2007 00:16:22 Single Titles
Take into the air my quiet breath
Take into the air my quiet breath David Thorne 2007 00:16:22 Single Titles
Take It Down
Take It Down Sabine Gruffat 2019 00:12:37 Single Titles
Take Off
Take Off Susan Mogul 1974 00:10:30 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Takeover of the Empire State Building
Takeover of the Empire State Building Glenn Belverio 1990 00:29:00 Single Titles
Talaeen a Junuub (Up to the South)
Talaeen a Junuub (Up to the South) Jayce Salloum 1993 01:00:00 Single Titles
Talaeen a Junuub (Up to the South)
Talaeen a Junuub (Up to the South) Walid Raad 1993 01:00:00 Single Titles
Tales of a Future Past
Tales of a Future Past Cecelia Condit 2018 00:07:55 Single Titles
Tales of the Twilight Typist
Tales of the Twilight Typist George Kuchar 1994 00:50:40 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Talk About the Passion
Talk About the Passion C Hundred Film Corp. 1988 00:04:00 Single Titles
Talk About the Passion
Talk About the Passion Jem Cohen 1988 00:04:00 Single Titles
talkin' 'bout droppin' out
talkin' 'bout droppin' out Branda Miller 1989 00:56:00 Single Titles
Target Animal Charm 1999 00:08:30 Single Titles
Target Bush - Wigstock - Part One
Target Bush - Wigstock - Part One Glenn Belverio 1991 00:29:00 Single Titles
Target Bush - Wigstock - Part Two
Target Bush - Wigstock - Part Two Glenn Belverio 1991 00:29:00 Single Titles
The Target Shoots First
The Target Shoots First Christopher Wilcha 1999 01:11:08 Single Titles
Teach Me
Teach Me Akram Zaatari 1996 00:06:00 Single Titles
Teaching a Plant the Alphabet
Teaching a Plant the Alphabet John Baldessari 1972 00:18:08 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Tear Gas
Tear Gas Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:01:35 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Parry Teasdale: An Interview
Parry Teasdale: An Interview Video Data Bank 2005 02:25:05 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles, Videofreex Archive
Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman
Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman Dara Birnbaum 1978 00:05:45 Early Video Art, Single Titles
TED Ethology: Primate Visions of the Human Mind
TED Ethology: Primate Visions of the Human Mind Coco Fusco 2015 00:49:35 Single Titles
Teenagers Kent Lambert 2004 00:01:00 Single Titles
Tehching Hsieh: An Interview
Tehching Hsieh: An Interview Video Data Bank 2012 01:03:17 Interviews, On Art and Artists
tel-uh-vizh-uh-n, Hans Breder
tel-uh-vizh-uh-n Hans Breder 2014 00:29:00 Single Titles
Televised Texts
Televised Texts Jenny Holzer 1990 00:06:31 Single Titles
Television Delivers People
Television Delivers People Richard Serra 1973 00:05:55 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Tell Me About Your Mother, Susan Mogul
Tell Me About Your Mother Susan Mogul 2024 00:38:00 New Releases, Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
(tell me why): The Epistemology of Disco
(tell me why): The Epistemology of Disco John Di Stefano 1991 00:24:00 Single Titles
The Telling
The Telling Anne McGuire 1998 00:03:30 Single Titles
Tempest in a Tea Pot
Tempest in a Tea Pot George Kuchar 1990 00:20:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Temple of Confessions
Temple of Confessions Guillermo Gómez-Peña 1996 00:25:45 Single Titles
Temple of Confessions
Temple of Confessions Roberto Sifuentes 1996 00:25:45 Single Titles
Temple of Torment
Temple of Torment George Kuchar 2006 00:18:14 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Templo
Templo Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:04:48 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Ten Five in the Grass
Ten Five in the Grass Kevin Jerome Everson 2012 00:32:00 Single Titles
Teocalli, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Teocalli Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2024 00:40:48 New Releases, Single Titles
Cathy Lee Crane, terrestrial sea
terrestrial sea Cathy Lee Crane 2022 00:15:00 New Releases, Single Titles
Terror Alert #2
Terror Alert #2 Norman Cowie 2003 00:00:48 Single Titles
Terror By Twilight
Terror By Twilight George Kuchar 1988 00:05:54 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Tetragramaton Frank Gillette 1972 00:23:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Thank You Brother, Keparí Idub'Radá
Thank You Brother, Keparí Idub'Radá Video in the Villages 1998 00:17:00 Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Thank You Sam
Thank You Sam Eiko Otake 2020 00:03:25 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Thank You You're So Beautiful
Thank You You're So Beautiful Long Beach Museum of Art 1988 00:11:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
That Which Is Possible
That Which Is Possible Michael Gitlin 2015 01:23:40 Single Titles
The American Tapes: Part Four
The American Tapes: Part Four Louis Hock 2013 00:58:58 Single Titles
The American Tapes: Part One
The American Tapes: Part One Louis Hock 2013 00:58:26 Single Titles
The American Tapes: Part Three
The American Tapes: Part Three Louis Hock 2013 00:56:26 Single Titles
The American Tapes: Part Two
The American Tapes: Part Two Louis Hock 2013 00:54:12 Single Titles
The American Tapes: Tales of Immigration
The American Tapes: Tales of Immigration Louis Hock 2013 03:48:02 Single Artist Compilations
Hermine Freed, The Architecture of the U.S. Holocaust Museum
The Architecture of the U.S. Holocaust Museum Hermine Freed 1996 00:58:00 Single Titles
image failed to load
The Blazing World Jessica Bardsley 2013 00:19:05 Single Titles
The Boy Upstairs
The Boy Upstairs Mike Kuchar 2019 00:10:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Chasing Shadows
The Colors of Their Soul Mike Kuchar 2018 00:38:35 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Dark, Krystle
The Dark, Krystle Michael Robinson 2013 00:09:34 Single Titles
The Death Tapes
The Death Tapes Linda Mary Montano 2017 02:54:24 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
The Desert Bush
The Desert Bush Sherry Millner 1991 00:29:30 Single Titles
The Desert Bush
The Desert Bush Ernest Larsen 1991 00:29:30 Single Titles
The Diaspora Suite
The Diaspora Suite Ephraim Asili 2019 01:17:20 Single Artist Compilations
The End of Time
The End of Time Akram Zaatari 2013 00:14:00 Single Titles
The Fairies
The Fairies Tom Rubnitz 1989 00:05:00 Single Titles
The Feminist Origins: VDB’s On Art and Artists Interview Collection
The Feminist Origins: VDB’s On Art and Artists Interview Collection Blumenthal/Horsfield 2015 00:52:39 Single Artist Compilations, On Art and Artists
The Four Chambered Heart
The Four Chambered Heart Filipa César 2009 00:28:42 Single Titles
The General Returns from One Place to Another
The General Returns from One Place to Another Michael Robinson 2006 00:10:45 Single Titles
The Good Times Are Killing Me
The Good Times Are Killing Me TVTV 1975 00:58:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
The Guy Next Door
The Guy Next Door Mike Kuchar 2019 00:10:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Hundred Videos
The Hundred Videos Steve Reinke 1996 04:38:43 Single Artist Compilations
The Magic Hedge
The Magic Hedge Frédéric Moffet 2016 00:09:00 Single Titles
The Man Within Me
The Man Within Me Mindy Faber 1995 00:03:00 Single Titles
The Mexican Tapes: A Chronicle of Life Outside the Law
The Mexican Tapes: A Chronicle of Life Outside the Law Louis Hock 1997 03:41:00 Single Artist Compilations
The Misbehaving Image, Carl Elsaesser
The Misbehaving Image Carl Elsaesser 2016 00:13:00 Single Titles
The Mom Tapes (Excerpt) Ilene Segalove 1974 00:03:39 Single Titles
The Mother Show
The Mother Show Tom Rubnitz 1991 00:04:09 Single Titles
The Mother Show
The Mother Show Barbara Lipp 1991 00:04:09 Single Titles
The Mother Show
The Mother Show Tom Koken 1991 00:04:09 Single Titles
The Name is not the Thing named
The Name is not the Thing named Deborah Stratman 2012 00:10:30 Single Titles
The New Festival
The New Festival Glenn Belverio 1991 00:29:00 Single Titles
The Nothing That Is
The Nothing That Is Ken Kobland 2016 00:16:30 Single Titles
The Out and Outrageous Bus Ride
The Out and Outrageous Bus Ride Glenn Belverio 1990 00:29:00 Single Titles
The Post Queer Tour
The Post Queer Tour Glenn Belverio 1993 00:29:00 Single Titles
The Rhythm of Plain White
The Rhythm of Plain White Sara Magenheimer 2014 00:06:54 Single Titles
The Sausage
The Sausage Suzie Silver 2015 00:09:00 Single Titles
The Sausage
The Sausage Hilary Harp 2015 00:09:00 Single Titles
The Seven Wonders of the World
The Seven Wonders of the World Donigan Cumming 2018 00:18:59 Single Titles
The Spider's Parlor
The Spider's Parlor Mike Kuchar 2014 00:42:16 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Suicide
The Suicide Gregg Bordowitz 1996 01:27:49 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Sun Quartet, Part 1: SunStone
The Sun Quartet, Part 1: SunStone Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2017 00:06:42 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sun Quartet, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Sun Quartet, Part 2: San Juan River
The Sun Quartet, Part 2: San Juan River Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2017 00:12:05 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sun Quartet, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Sun Quartet, Part 3: Conflagration
The Sun Quartet, Part 3: Conflagration Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2017 00:16:22 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sun Quartet, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Sun Quartet, Part 4: Far From Ayotzinapa
The Sun Quartet, Part 4: Far from Ayotzinapa Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2017 00:22:35 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sun Quartet, Single Titles
THE VERY VERY END George Barber 2013 00:09:00 Single Titles
The World is Mine Ann Oren 2017 01:08:00 Single Titles
The World of Brenda and Glennda: An Eleven Minute Odyssey
The World of Brenda and Glennda: An Eleven Minute Odyssey Glenn Belverio 1991 00:11:00 Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Their Body is Filled with a Liquid that Tends to Spread
Their Body is Filled with a Liquid that Tends to Spread Angelo Madsen Minax 2005 00:07:41 Single Titles
Their Houses
Their Houses Cam Archer 2011 00:32:00 Single Titles
Theme Song
Theme Song Vito Acconci 1973 00:33:17 Early Video Art, Single Titles
The Theory of Time Here
The Theory of Time Here Roderick Coover 2007 00:06:32 Single Titles
There But For
There But For Lawrence Weiner 1980 00:20:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles